Formerly at nearby Duckaller Farm, Dog owners for nearly 40 years and dog boarders for more than 15 years. Teignbridge DC registered
While you're at work or a day out without your dog. Any time between 8am and 6pm, or outside these hours by arrangement
Just for one night or for an extended stay while you holiday or any stay length in between
Dedicated room for dogs to stay together with direct access to fenced, lawned garden. 3 acre enclosed paddock for supervised exercise and play at least twice daily. Occasional walks around surrounding quiet lanes and paths.
It can be stressful to board your dog. If you have any questions or concerns about how we make your dog's home away from home, please get in touch to arrange an introductory visit for you and your dog.
We will get back to you soon! 07878 608095 New Place, Staplake Road, Starcross EX6 8PF